A. Service Description
Information Technology Application Operation Service helps customers to operate servers, network equipment, storage devices, applications, databases, technical support, setup and monitor information security. All stages from design, installation, deployment, operation, application exploitation, and system security will be carried out by BlueTech’s IT Operations team. It enables a favorable condition for the customers to focus on business, and expand products with the trust in service quality.
The scope of BlueTech’s Information Technology Application Operation includes:
- System design
- Installation and deployment of hardware infrastructure
- Application and deployment applications, databases
- Hardware and application monitoring
- Perform an app upgrade flow
- Error handling support
- Update Information Security patches
B. Features of the service
Professional operating procedures
- Operating procedures comply with ISO 9001, 27001 standards
- Monthly service KPI evaluation process of technical indicators
- All the stages in the operation process comply with the Company’s processes and regulations. The processes include:
- Change Request Management
- Risk management
- Problem Management
- Business Continuity Assurance Process (BCP)
- Customer service and support
Full range of operation/monitoring tools:
- Impact controlling tool: Cyber Ark
- Change management, resource management, incident management: iTOP
- Monitoring tools: Grafana-Prometheus, ELK, PRTG, Zabbix, SolarWind.
- Document/profile version controlling tool: Logical Doc
Experienced operators
BlueTech’s operation personnel have experience in the following fields:
- Designing, deploying, and operating large application systems to ensure Backup, HA, and Security with a large number of transactions.
- Operating complex business systems such as SMS Brandname, Data Analysis, VAS, Short number
- Deploying and operating database systems: Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB, Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL, My-SQL, etc.
- Deploying and operating software define storage systems: MinIO, Ceph, vSAN,
- Reviewing and assessing risks in IT activities.
- Working with server systems (rack mount, Blade) of manufacturers such as HPE, Dell EMC, IBM, Super Micro, Sun Oracle, Fujitsu
- Working with Storage systems of manufacturers such as HPE, Dell EMC, Fujitsu, PureStorage
- Working with backup systems of manufacturers such as Dell EMC, Fujitsu
- Working with Network devices, wifi, firewall, proxy, load balancing
- Deploying and operating systems on the Open Source platform
- Working with VMWare, Hyper-V, and KVM virtualization systems